Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Crazy Craft Weekend.

This past weekend was cold and rainy so I decided we would knock out all of our school projects ie: Valentines for classmates for both girls, Valentines mailboxes, prechool Valentine project for Harps and of course the 100 day school project for Ains.  Whew!  We got it done and in true Adrienne fashion I may have gone a bit overboard (cue in Mike's voice, from the other room) "Adrienne are you going overboard in there?";)  Sooo maybe just a tad....

Crazy, silly valentine mailboxes!  Ainsley was supposed to make one for her class and then Harper just wanted one too.  I got the idea from this pin:

These aren't Valentine boxes but I just ran with the idea.

The girls contributed by piling on stickers and writing various things.

For the project I used: tissue boxes, egg cartons for the eyes, pipe cleaners for the eye lashes,  craft paint, I cut out lips from foam paper but I recently saw perfect sized lips at the dollar tree in the valentine section!, and then had to add a bow;)  It really was simple and the original poster has a better tutorial if you're interested in making one!

Ainsley with her Valentine box:

Next up was Valentines gifts.  Pinterest came through once again and we had a good time making these cute little bookmarks with treats on the back for girlfriends:

Love how the last color is "my valentine"!!  Just went to Ace Hardware and picked up some paint sample cards, used the heart punch that I happened to have-not sure why I have a heart punch but I was so glad I did for this!,  and then attached ribbon-so easy and cheap! The girls were able to punch the hearts and I was very surprised (with some hard work), Harper was able to attach the ribbon:)

And the back:

Nothing fancy!  I know, I'm so corny with the "booksmart" saying;)

And for the boys in their class:

Swedish fish!

Now, I didn't come up with these ideas on my own, no way!  Pinterest people, pinterest!  I changed things up on some of the ideas but for the swedish fish, I did just what they said.  Go here and here for the original pinners!

Then we did Ainsley's 100 day project and I got the idea from googling "100 day project ideas", pretty simple.  Here's what we did:

Once we agreed on the goldfish, I googled "fish sayings", lol and thought this one was appropriate;)  I did end up covering the goldfish in a varnish type paste to keep them from cracking and going really stale-(thanks mom for that idea!!)

So that was our weekend!  Oh and Harper did a really cute heart project and recipe card for "A Happy Heart" but I totally forgot to take pics and she already turned it in;(  Her ingredients though for "A Happy Heart" included:

  • Kisses from mommy and hugs from daddy
  • Loving Jesus
  • Smiles from Bennett
  • Playing with Ainsley
  • Snuggling with "blankie"
  • Icecream
How sweet is that?!  Love her!

Ya'll know I live for this stuff so all in all, it was a great weekend!

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  1. love the Valentine boxes...and of course everything else. :-) The Happy Heart recipe is SOO sweet.

  2. Love those boxes, and it's totally OK to be "Adrienne" and go overboard...because it looks like FUN!

  3. Adrienne! I love all of the projects that you all did! I'll bet the girls were lovin' doing all of the fun crafts...you're a great mom, love you. Your Mom

  4. what is the blue stuff you used for the eyes?


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