Friday, March 25, 2011

Fine and Gross Motor Explosion!

Bennett has been doing some fun things lately and I just had to share!  This is a short video of all the things he's been up to lately.

The first one though is not a skill, just hilarious {if you asked me} and I couldn't resist getting Bennett's belly laugh on tape.  He's actually working with his OT on feeding and she's got banana on her hand and is trying to get Bennett to enjoy the stickiness of the banana-remember Bennett DOES NOT like table food and has some texture and small sensory issues.

Bennett has also become a mad stacker...of everything.  I caught him trying to stack a block on our little maltese the other day-lol!  He loves it!  And in one of the videos he's stacking rings and he used to hate this toy-like would throw it when he saw it and refused to stack the rings.  But now he just concentrates so hard to complete the task!

He's also cruising now!  Still robotic looking but I'm just glad he's moving towards walking some day!

And....we finally have a four point crawler!!  More and more I'm seeing him crawl up on his hands and knees rather than do his quick army crawl-the girls always shout out "Bennett's crawling for real mom!", when they see him do it-too funny!  But I'll let you see for yourself....



  1. That's awesome, way to go Bennett! Love the video, he is irresistibly cute! I'm not sure if it's just boys but I think the best thing about stacking is crashing them afterward!

  2. Yeah Bennett! I love daddy taking his socks and shoes off in the crawling shot! Everyday life all precious!

  3. Yeah, Bennett! I thought Rachel was never going to crawl on all fours, but she did. Then I was certain she would never walk. She did not walk until she was three, but she did it and now she runs everywhere she goes. What a joy it is to see them accomplish those major milestones.

  4. He's doing awesome, Adrienne! SO many things to celebrate and be proud of. Loved seeing him in action :) Way to go, Bennett!

  5. I absolutely LOVED that video!!!! His laugh is infectious...Landon was cracking up with him and said "that boys so funny"! He is doing so many fun new amazing things...WAY TO GO BENNETT!!!!

  6. Oh Bennett! You are doing so many wonderful things! Nice job.
    Max started cruising the beginning of January, took first steps the end of January, and is a full-time walker mid March. Bennett will be there soon!!

  7. He sure did have an explosion of skills! He is doing great! I'm jealous of his real crawl! Real crawling is so good for them and Sweet Pea has REFUSED to do it.

  8. Bennett is amazing! He seems like he is making progress in all areas, love both your laughs :) Hugs to your beautiful fam.

  9. WOWSA!! Bennett is rocking it!! I am still giggling from his belly laugh! smiles

  10. His laugh is priceless. You have one cute little guy.

  11. Bennetts laugh is beautiful pure joy !
    Owen still does the "robot" (love that description) when he is cruising I think it comes from a weak core ? thanks for sharing

  12. Great! The bib reminds me of my oldest...he had a bib for a long time!

  13. Oh my goodness!! Look at him go!!! That's awesome!

  14. Wow!! Look at all those great things Bennett is doing!
    I love developmental explosions -- they make all those previous months of stagnation and frustration so worth it.

  15. yay bennett! he needs to teach maggie rae a few of those stacking skills :)

  16. bennett's little laugh is hilarious! :) look at his SKILLS!!! wow!


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