Sunday, November 28, 2010


You know I've never been a big fan of Thanksgiving. I don't know, I just really like Christmas so Thanksgiving was never a big deal for me when I was younger. One day of all. out. eating and then onto Christmas preparation. But now it's different. It's really about family and of course giving thanks. And we have so much to be thankful for. At times it seemed like we didn't this year but now we realize we have so much.

We have our family.

And I'm so thankful for mine.

Thanksgiving is a time to really treasure your family and this year I did.

There was plenty of time for mommies and daddies to relax because life is always so busy.

Time for tea parties at girly restaurants.

Time for perfect nights by the fire.

Time for practical jokes! My dad woke up to this in his yard (if you know my parents, this is typically not their holiday decorating style) but they got a good laugh from it and it's still up!
And of course lots of time for play.
That's what it's all

And I'm so thankful for mine.


  1. That was such a beautiful post and I cried through the whole thing! I guess I'm just extra emotional (lol) but with the music playing in the background and the beautiful pictures of your family...I could just feel what you meant. :)

  2. Lovely. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite. It's all about the fam!

  3. These pictures are awesome. I especially love the first one. :)


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