Monday, March 15, 2010

Will You Do Me A Favor??

Just working on some things to protect my pictures (as much as I can, anyway). When you right click on my pictures you should get an alert message- saying the pic has a copyright and I added a watermark to my pics as well. What I'm wanting you to do is try to left click on the pic-there is a code you have to add to prevent people from being able to do this but I've found that if I move my pictures while writing my post and rearrange them how I want, once they are moved you cannot left click on them. So much easier than adding all the code to each pic. But it only works when the picture was moved. If I upload it and didn't mess with it, then it's left clickable (not sure if that's a word:)). Let me know if it works when you click on my pics, please because it may only be because I have a MAC so I want to know if it works across the board! Try it for yours and see if it works! *Edited*- in previous posts, if I didn't move the pics, you will be able to left click on them but I just don't have the time to go back and move them all!;)


  1. It worked for me - a pc user!!! Now you need to post the code for the rest of us :)

  2. OK - so scrolling down to older posts... starting with the 'hotdog salesman' post, right click still brings up the copyright, but left click brings up the picture in a new window and then you can right click and copy...

  3. ok I left clicked it, nothing came up and I right clicked i saw your copyright pop up.. I think I should do the same to mine..
    THANKS for the info

  4. i clicked your picture and got the copyright message.

  5. when i read it in google reader, pre-clicking on teh link, i was able to copy the image.

  6. You did it! I left and right clicked each image and it worked like you intended,now I have to tackle this too!

  7. Right click got the copyright protection, and couldn't left click!

  8. Works great. I left clicked and nothing. And being the rebel that I am, I right click and sure enough got the error message. Great job.

  9. I couldn't click on them! Great job! Are you uploading them directly or linking from flickr or something like that? Please share what you've learned as I still need to do this. Thanks!!!!

  10. It is working like it is supposed to, and this is what I used to have on my blog. The problem with it is what I mentioned in my blog post -- it also disables other external right click links. Like if something wants to bring up something you link to in another tab without leaving your blog ... they can't do that. A few people were annoyed when I had it up on my blog because they couldn't do that ... LOL.

  11. I have a Mac and all I had to do was drag your picture to my desktop and it is now saved on my desktop.

  12. From your actual blog, nothing happens when I left click. When I right click, the copyright message comes up. HOWEVER, when I was viewing from Google reader (how I almost always read the blogs I follow) it allowed me to right click and save the picture.

  13. Hi! just a husband has a mac and we do a lot of stuff with it...and I was telling him about your post and we need to do this with my blog...he told me about a feature I was unaware of called "screen shots"...this is a feature that can take any of your pix and/or anything and take a pix of it with no alert but it did show your water mark..he did it with a shift+apple+4...thanks for the GREAT info!! smiles

  14. left clicking did not work for me (on a pc) and on the right click got your copyright...

    how did you make the copyright symbol for your copyright our unexpected journey 2010 thing to pop up when you right click?

  15. This is Joyce, Awesome. Seems like a great solution.

  16. Hi Adrienne! My name is Bobi Bobbitt and I live in Edenton, NC. I stumbled upon your family's blog on my friend Susan Wilkerson's FB page. What an encouragement your faith is to other Christian mothers! And I also stumbled across your clothing on Etsy the other day, and thought... I know her! What cute clothes! I have three boys, ages 10, 6, and 2. God Bless your adorable family! (:


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