Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Littlest Things....

It truly is the little things that seem so big...that ARE so big. Ask any mom that has a child with special needs and she'll tell you that. Small milestones for most kids are HUGE for kids like Bennett! Check him out...


  1. Awww, look at him go! Great job Bennett :)

  2. Littlest things my foot! This is HUGE!!! Way to go, big man, way. to go.

    He couldn't be cuter (pardon me- more handsome) if he tried. He has the sweetest little signature smile. And also? Do you think we could borrow him to teach my kids how to grow some hair? Seriously...

  3. Yippee big boy! He looks just like Arina with the monkey crawl!

  4. Go, Bennett, Go! Loved his little giggle after he fell into the water...

    You've had a stressful couple of months, Adrienne, so this celebration couldn't have come at a better time, I'm sure!

  5. Yay! He is so sturdy! :) He looks like a pro! And yes, you will need to get him some swimmies! ;)

  6. NOT LITTLE....HUGE!!!! Way to go Bennett, you'll be chasing those cute sisters around in no time! He's SO sturdy!!!

  7. Wow! He looks like such an old pro!


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