Monday, October 28, 2013

October wrap up...

So this month is almost over and while I've been raising awareness for my sweet boy on facebook and instagram, I haven't been on the blog so I wanted to post some of my favorites….

As this month comes to an end I think the main thing I would want others to learn from Down syndrome awareness month is acceptance. For me, it's not about telling you Bennett has Down syndrome, we all know that. Or all the nitty gritty facts about DS (although all are important and interesting). I just want others to know that while individuals with Down syndrome are a little different, they are still human beings that have hearts, and feelings and just like everyone else, they want to be loved and valued. Just like the rest of us they want friends to laugh with and learn from. People with Down syndrome can accomplish great things but they need others to believe that. Accepting them into society and welcoming their differences is what it's about. Besides, life is better with friends;)

The Down syndrome Creed.

Please take the words "retard" or "retarded" out of your vocabulary. This word is extremely offensive. One day my son may feel the hurt of this word but he doesn't have to if we spread the word to end the word.

Buddy walking and raising awareness with his cousin- Go "Bennett's Brigade"!

Bennett's sisters don't see Down syndrome in their brother. They know he has it but to them, he's just their little brother. They love to play with him but they also get annoyed when he takes their things. And although I sometimes worry that they'll resent him when they get older, I also can't help but think that their love for him will only grow stronger. Love doesn't count chromosomes.

A study of 1520 children ages 7 to 16 found that those who regularly interacted with people with disabilities generally had better attitudes toward people with special needs. They were less fearful of them, too, and more empathetic.

One of the biggest things I've learned about raising a child with special needs is patience. Bennett does things in his own time and in his own way. And just because he has Down syndrome doesn't mean he's just like other kids with DS. He's an individual that clearly marches to the beat of his own drum;).

Thursday, October 3, 2013


As Bennett gets older I find it less important for me to tell others about the nitty gritty facts of Down syndrome.  I think what I really want for people to understand is that Bennett is a little boy first.  I know  most people probably see Down syndrome as soon as they see him but I want it to stop right there.  I want people to realize that what he was born with doesn't define him and that it doesn't limit what he can do.  I want others to know that we simply want acceptance for our son.  We want him treated like everyone else.  If people would open their eyes and see past the differences they would welcome a whole new level of joy into their lives.