Bennett is completely different from how Ainsley and Harper were as babies. I worked full time with them and went back to work once they were 3 months old. They never really got that separation anxiety thing and I remember crying to the girl's babysitter because I couldn't understand why my girls never cried when I dropped them off or how come I wasn't that one person that could make it all better when they were babies?
Well with Bennett it's different-now granted he has been with me and only me since day 1 but this kid adores me quite frankly. And I have to admit it makes me smile a little that he practically throws himself at me if someone else is holding him and he sees me coming. I just never had that with the girls. So he's a mama's boy, through and through.

I plunked him in the grass to see if I could get some cute shots. He wasn't thrilled about the grass.

But he tolerated it.

Just kinda felt weird to him I guess. But I did get some cute shots:)

And then we got the pout (that's usually our warning to pick him up quick before it gets ugly).

Well we didn't get to him quick enough and he let us have it. And the only person that could make it all better...

was his mama.

I've always heard friends that have boys say there was something special between a mother and her son and I never really got it because I had girls and I felt like our relationship was pretty special too.

But now I totally get it. There really is something special and I never thought I'd ever have a son because I had two girls and just assumed our third would be a girl. All I can say is that I'm thrilled to have a mama's boy! I hope he'll always come to me when he needs someone to make it all better.
as a mother with boys I'd have to agree! :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful
ReplyDeleteThese photos are stunning! Well except when he's crying but that's cute too. Definitely something special about a mother - son relationship! BTW, Lucas hates grass too :)
ReplyDeletelook at that pout face - you captured it perfectly! i love the pics of you and bennett!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my!! Love the pictures. Bennett reminds me so much of Charlie- pouty face and all. C does the exact same thing. I had girls for 16 years before sweet baby boy came along- what an angel. I just can't get enough. Thankfully (for now) he feels the same about me.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for donating to our One Dollar Adoption Challenge! The seed has been planted!
In Him,
What a sweet post! And the pictures are darling!
ReplyDeleteLovin all of his rolls and his chubby cheeks :)
ReplyDeleteSo cute! The grass pictures were so cute. yep that grass thing sure is a weird thing for babies. Kyiah who is now a year and half is finally ok with it LOL...
ReplyDeleteHave a great week
Great pictures along with a wonderful post!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, I love his little fat rolls on his thighs. It's funny, John Michael will cry and not stop until I literally pick him up, give him a hug and tell him he's OK. Then it's over. A pat or rub won't work, so I know what it's like to have a Mama's boy. Very sweet and touching, isn't it. The photos are precious!
ReplyDeleteYep...I have three mama's boys...never known anything different! We'll see how it is with Sofia :)...but I think I see her preferring her papa already!
ReplyDeleteLove those pics.. Beautiful.. Many ppl tell me Navya is Mamma's girl.. and love those two words.. it feels so good..
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures and beautiful little boy! Everyone told me the same thing - that boys love their mama's! My husband is one of three boys and they all call their mom frequently just to chat and the son who lives locally loves to get together with her all the time. It always shocked me to see that, but I hope I have that with my boys!!
ReplyDeleteI have a momma's boy too who has also mastered the "pout"
ReplyDeleteIt's great to be loved so much!
Bennett is precious.
Melts your mamas heart! Very sweet
ReplyDeleteI love the pout and the scream, he's so cute no matter what face he's making! I also love the brown and white outfit, it's darling!
ReplyDeleteOh man, this post was just awesome! I completely know how you feel! I LOVE the new look to the blog (I have GOT to get you some pictures for help with Colin's) and I just LOVE the pictures!! My absolute FAVORITE is the one of you and Bennett looking at each other and you can just see how big his smile cute!!
ReplyDeleteBennett is so cute. I love those chubby thighs, and he is really perfecting that pout :-). I love the pictures.
ReplyDeleteThose pics are too cute! I love the pouty ones! :) Eon is less a momma's boy and more a whole family boy. He hates the church nursery and has never lasted more than 10 minutes before pitching a fit that won't end until I rescue him. He does just fine if left with Grandma when his big sisters are there, too, but recently I left him there with only a brother and he cried for 3 hours. Sigh.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree - I just love my boys and really feel such a strong connection with both of them!
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures - especially the pouty ones!!
He's precious. And there's nothing like a boy. Love it!
ReplyDeleteperfect pictures and what a nice post. He's lucky to have a mama that loves him so dearly. that pouty face is just precious!
ReplyDeleteSo very beautiful and let me tell ya there's nothing like a son. I have one on earth and one in heaven. My boy and me have a great bond. My girls do to but not quite the same. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat pics !!!
Love the Romper with the initial - is it one of yours? Will you be selling them?
ReplyDeleteBennett is lovalicous!!! I have two boys one is 13 years old and one is almost 6 months. Boys love their Mamas like crazy. My older son still wants long hugs and calls me doll.
ReplyDeleteI have always told my friends that little boys love their Mommas in different ways and it is SOO true! My oldest son is 11 today and he still wants me to tuck him in at night and he will let me hold his hand (briefly) in public. It is a bond like no other! Bennett got a haircut! What a handsome boyThe boys look more like "boys" now than babies..they are growing up! Parker does the lip too, too funny!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just googled something and found your blog. I'm dying over this little guys cuteness! What a sweet little family you have!
ReplyDeleteI have a 2 year old girl and a 5 month old boy and I must say, there is something different about a boy and his momma! :)