So here are the stats:
19.4 pounds -75% on the DS charts, 10% on the typical
27.5 length- 25% on the DS charts, 5% on the typical :(-he's a tiny little guy.
Ears looked good as far as fluid, we'll get them checked soon (recommended every 6 months I think for kids with DS)
Heart sounded great- the ped. could not hear any residual leaking sound or murmur so that's wonderful!
She wrote me a script for private PT and I'll be asking for a different PT all together at his 1 year evaluation with Early Intervention. I'm just looking for someone with a lot of experience with kids with Down syndrome and I think we need to really step in up in the PT department.
Bennett will also be getting Speech/Developmental Therapy once a week instead of twice a month. So it will be OT once a week, PT once or maybe twice a week and then ST once a week-whew, that's a lot but at this point I think it's necessary.
Bennett also has some issues with his testicles :(- poor little guy, I think it may require surgery, basically they are up too high and they need to come down and since they haven't come down on their own, that's what he needs the surgery for. We'll go for a consult and see what the surgeon says. I asked the ped if this was a minor or major surgery, (compared to open heart surgery) and she said extremely minor compared to that so I think we can handle it;)
So at a year Bennett can:
-play "so big"
-turns when he hears his name
-can sign "eat" and I think "all done"
-waves "hi" sometimes
-rolls everywhere
-bear some weight on his legs
-can sit up for an extended period of time
-get to his tummy from a sitting position to get to a toy
-working on getting up to sitting from his tummy-he needs assistance but I think he'll get this soon
-pivot all around
-pull knees up under and pushes up to crawling position with a little assistance and then rocks
-will eat a graham cracker and sip from a straw cup {some}- working on his self feeding and he's slowly getting better-he's on all stage 3's and tolerates large lumps like shredded cheese, carrots, diced apples but will not pick them up on his tray;(
So it is what it is. Being a super control freak and a tad obsessive compulsive about things, Bennett is the one area of my life I really don't obsess about. I mean I want the best for him and will do whatever I can to get him the best services but as far as his development, I don't obsess over what he's not doing compared to other typical children. He has Down syndrome for goodness sake! Sure, if I read about another little baby his age with Down syndrome doing something I may get a little anxious and wonder why Bennett isn't doing that-let's admit it now, you know you do that if you're in my shoes. But I'm not nervous about his yearly evaluation because stressing over it isn't going to make him magically do something. He'll do it when he's good and ready and I'll be there to help him but I've decided to not let it overtake my every thought.
It's only going to get harder from here but I think if we take it day by day and not let the future creep into our thoughts so much, we'll be fine. And who knows, maybe the future won't be like I've envisioned, this first year has been nothing like I thought it would be so I have a feeling Bennett will surprise us:) Just taking it day by day.