Now I always like to give credit where credit is due so this is the picture that inspired me:
and it came from here.
She explains how she made them and I'm going to share that as well. All you need is some mason jars, spray adhesive, small flags and mod podge. Oh and jute string is always cute too;)

Just pull your flag from the stick, spray on the adhesive, place it on the jar and then seal it with mod podge-that's it! You now have a cute, patriotic candle holder or whatever you want it to be!
And on the other side of the mantel.
Or on the front porch.
Or you could even use it to hold utensils for a party.
I really like how the original poster had it lining the walkway outside with candles in it- how cool would that look for a 4th of July party!? Or on tables at a party. Love it! Hope you get a chance to make these!