I have to thank the Bordners, the Burkes, the Hipperts, the Kaufmanns, the Kaspers and all the moms in my mom's group. These people know what they did for our family during really hard times whether it be with Bennett or my dad. They cooked for us, they watched our kids, they prayed for us, they were our personal doctors ;), they called us, they were simply our friends. Oh....and they loved Bennett, many before he was even born. Seriously, the love these people showed was amazing.
Honestly every family or mom I came in contact with in our little town, I will never forget because they were so kind to us. So if we exchanged words at any time during our 3 years there, thank you for being so very kind!
Here are just some of the people and memories that touched our lives over the last 3 years...

The SA Family! Love you all!

NYC...no other city like it.

The SA Family! Love you all!

NYC...no other city like it.

One word...SNOW.
Sweet Ginger. Love ya!
My gals.
Okay, the McConnells are hilarious but here's a better pic of them;)lol.
Wonder woman Renee;) Seriously.

My dad holding Bennett the day he was born in Allentown, PA. Miss you dad. Oh, how I miss you.

This.Is.Love. Nikki with B.
Preschool friends! Harper and Addison.

Sweet Colin, we will miss you and your family!

My close girlfriends, my SA group;), I will miss you so much!! Thank you for EVERYTHING!!!
My gals.
Okay, the McConnells are hilarious but here's a better pic of them;)lol.

My dad holding Bennett the day he was born in Allentown, PA. Miss you dad. Oh, how I miss you.

This.Is.Love. Nikki with B.

My close girlfriends, my SA group;), I will miss you so much!! Thank you for EVERYTHING!!!
We also need to thank my mom, Mike's parents, Mike's brother and his wife, The Wicksels and the Wilkinsons for making our move much more bearable. Ya'll know what you've done for us and we really appreciate it!!
And now onto another chapter of our unexpected journey.....