Am I the only one that loves these battery operated, flickering every so lightly, real looking candles??!! Not to mention that you can put them on a timer and they just come on at oh say...5 o'clock. Love that! Oh and they are lightly scented!!
I'm all about simplicity these days and these are perfect!
My mom gave us battery operated candles for our windows, that have a timer- talk about easy- I used to go to each and every window and flip the darn switch {I realize I may live in the dark ages but this is what I've done for the last several years during the holidays!} She gave us 4...so I need 5 more!!
And by the way, my youngest mobile munchkin has not even attempted to mess with my fake candles or the tree for that matter!...

{How big is Bennett??...Soooo Big!}
Have I mentioned he's pretty much the perfect little baby?;)
Oh and on a total side note, said munchkin has finally decided to crawl some on all fours!! {without the SPIO vest!}...

He still prefers his army crawl but every day he does it more and more! Yay!
Okay anyways, for a soft, romantic and festive look, run to your nearest Target and pick up some fake candles!
Now as far as real, smell good candles, these are my current faves for the holidays...

Just don't burn them at the same time-a little too much sweetness going on at the same time;) "Baked Apple Pie" is from Hobby Lobby and "Cookies for Santa" is from Target.
And since we have a fake tree...

This one fills the house with that real tree smell!
Sometimes fake=simple and I'm all about simple, as long as the fake/simple looks real!