So today we went to get Bennett's blood tested for the third time now. If you remember, I had it tested way back in December for his 6 month routine check (routine for kids with DS), it came back a tad abnormal so his pediatrician wanted it checked again in few months because he was just getting over bronchiolitis and perhaps that was making it slightly off. We had no problems the first time- needle went in his arm, they got the blood and we were out of there.
The second time was in February and it was bad. They could not find a good vein and they had to call in Pat, the lady that is good with babies. Well Pat got it and we were good to go. Again, the blood work came back better than the first time but still a little off. So his ped wanted me to take him in at 10 months.
So he's almost 11 months but I've been busy to say the least. Anyways, we go in and I ask for Pat right off because I don't want a repeat of last time. They say they will get Pat but does Pat come back right off? Of course not, so they literally had the needle in his arm for 10 minutes wiggling it around to find his vein. Supposedly it was rolling all over. Bennett was actually okay with all of this. Well without success they call Pat in. I'm thinking finally, we can get this over and done with! So Pat luck. Then she tries the other luck and by this time Bennett is ticked off. So then the only option was to get a finger prick and slowly drip each drop of blood to fill up a vile. Seriously, this was awful. Bennett screamed his head off because he had already been tortured with both arms but now someone pricks his finger and then proceeds to push the blood out of his little, stubby, fat finger, blood is everywhere, it was a mess. Bennett NEVER cries so I was almost in tears to see him go through this.
Well, it doesn't end there. Oh no. The nurse calls the lab and tells them she is sending this vile down right away because she doesn't want it to clot. 5 minutes later as we're packing up, after an hour mind you (of course Harper is on her second lollipop and quickly becoming impatient) the lab calls and said IT'S CLOTTED! It won't work!!! Are you kidding me?????!!!!! So I ask, "now what?". The nurse asks if Bennett is walking- umm, no lady. She says we can prick his heel and again take the blood drip by drip into the vile. So as I'm pulling Bennett out of his car seat, his sharp bottom tooth stabs his tongue and he starts bleeding-OH.MY.GOODNESS! This poor baby!!!! So after I cleaned that up the nurse pricked his little heel and my Bennett screamed his little head off again.
So after all of this I'm really hoping and praying things are normal with his blood work. I had to call the ped during all of this just to fax in a script to get his thyroid checked because the script was only for a CBC- I can't take coming back in another month so if we can get it all done in one awful experience, then that's what we're doing. Really hope we don't have to do that for a while. Anyone else have this issue with your child's veins?? I have great veins, in fact she took my blood to check my thyroid and got it in 2 seconds. What's going to happen when he's bigger and stronger?
Well, I'll end on a happy note- here's some pics of my brave little guy- you wouldn't know he was tortured earlier this morning...

Bandages on both arms where NO blood was taken! And blood on his shirt from the messy finger prick!

His poor little heel.

Let's just say he's happy to be out of that hospital!!! And of course he's always mommy's little hero:)