Bennett's been working on some new things...

Like the Bitter Biscuit. Hmm, not too sure about this thing...
Yumm, I kinda like this.

Now, what is this mom?!

Hmm, different but not bad. (Yes, still waiting on the honey bear cup but this works great too and it's cheap!) I can squeeze up the liquid for him to get a taste just like the HBC!

After a while though this is the face I got, I think he was telling me he's had enough of that.
Bennett's also been working on a his first tooth! Can you see it?! (Please ignore the bitter biscuit that is smeared all over!) I think I may have written that I thought his first tooth was coming in on the top, back when he was 8 months because of a little white dot I saw, well that white dot is still there. Not sure what that is but this is definitely a tooth!
And with teeth comes slobber!
This is his "I'm all done with the picture taking mom" face.
***Okay, after I posted all these pics, later in the evening we went to swim lessons for Ainsley and in all 9 months of Bennett's life I think he's maybe thrown up once. Wouldn't you know he threw up all over himself, me and the pool deck, twice!****
And do you think I had any extra clothes for him, of course not because he never does that! I don't know if he's ever pooped up his diaper before-this kid is just low maintenance. So he just sat on my lap in his diaper and the second time he barfed it just went on me and the pool deck. Nice.
So do you think it was the juice (very diluted but it was the first time he had it-only sips though) or the bitter biscuit-which he only nibbled on? He slept for 2 hours before the whole barfing ordeal and seemed fine and he seems okay today. I tried to offer him his bottle at the pool but he pushed it away and then 10 minutes later that's when he started to throw up. It was a sight to see, let me tell ya.
Anyways, has anyone else had this kind of reaction with juice or do you think it's just a stomach bug??