9 months seems like a big milestone for some reason and here we are! I haven't taken him in for his 9 month check up but Bennett is a solid 18.7 pounds and I say solid because I think he's a tad bit shorter than the average (I really have no idea yet but it seems that way) and he's really compact-lol. Anyways, he's doing great if you asked me, yes things go at a slower pace with him but it's okay because with a third child, life seems to fly by any way so it's nice to see that Bennett's babyhood isn't flashing before my eyes!
At 9 months Bennett takes three 8 ounce bottles and takes solids about 2 times a day. I've introduced the gerber puffs and he really likes working on picking them up but not too crazy about them when he brings them to his mouth. I've also started introducing lumpier foods like potatoes and mashed bananas in his oatmeal but he's not too crazy about that either, we'll keep at it.
Here's some more of what he's been up to...

Well, other than being his cute self:)

He's got a yucky cold right now and any time he gets sick his one eye that gave me tear duct woes when he was real little, always acts out and gets all goopy again, but he's trying to be a good sport about it;)
Bennett loves these blocks and gets very excited when they're taken out of the toy basket.

He's working on taking a sippy cup, I ordered the
Honey Bear Cup but it has yet to arrive. Bennett's not a big fan of holding his bottle (Ainsley wasn't either) so we're working on it and hoping that he'll just move onto a sippy- wish they made handles for the honey bear cup! For those that don't know, the honey bear cup is a straw cup and supposedly it is better for kids with Down syndrome or any child for that matter because it works their facial muscles more (having to suck the liquid through the straw) and may help with speech down the line. You can also squeeze the liquid up to help the child learn to suck unlike some of the straw sippy cups that are out there.

We're also working on getting on all fours, as you can imagine this takes a lot of strength and for a baby with lower tone it's even harder, so we'll get there.

Here he is with the front end up-now we just need to get both ends up at the same time!

Bennett also loves to look at his picture book and he's particularly fond of this page: Ainsley! He just adores Ainsley!

And when he's all tuckered out from his hard work, he really loves to just suck his little thumb.
He also appreciates a good cuddle and we have no problem helping him out with that:)
Happy 9 months Bub!! We love you so very much!!!