It says: Your greatest fear about having children...
WOW. Did I actually write that? When I heard him read it I said "What!" "I really wrote that?" "I can't believe I wrote that!" I think at first when I heard the word "retarded" I was floored but we'll get to that in a minute.
I'm still sitting here amazed that I actually wrote down those two fears and they actually happened, they literally happened just as I had feared (and yes I cringe at the thought of Bennett being retarded because this word to me is very hurtful and I will NEVER refer to him in that way). Am I angry that these fears happened? No. Are there times and will there be times (specifically with Bennett) that I wish they didn't happen-yeah, I think so. But you know, those aren't my fears any more. And frankly I don't know what my fears would be now. I'm just living and trying not to live in fear and I think that's what God wants.
Baked chicken with ranch seasoning and bread crumbs
served with baked potato and steamed broccoli. (I know ya'll are totally laughing at my simple meal!)
Thought I'd throw this one in, Harper was thoroughly enjoying her pudding while I was cleaning up and I looked over and this is what I found!
...my little guy rolling over! I think we can officially say he's doing it! And he's very close to rolling over from his back to his tummy but I know that may take some time. I think Harper was nearly 7 months before she did it that way so we'll see if Mr. Bennett can do it before she did! Anyways, I'm just excited I actually got him doing something on video- that never happens!
C'mon Bennett, you can do it!
Hang in there!
Happy 4 months Bennett! Love you bub!
One last snuggle with Bennett before Lauren and Brian had to leave on Monday.
All in all we had a great visit and we're really looking forward to their wedding in December! I've got the girls dresses so now we just need to start practicing! {Brian and Lauren, I'm pretty sure Harper will not behave how she did this weekend at your wedding....I hope;)} Thanks again for coming to visit us!
Here's the hooks we used to hang them from.
And here's a sneak peek of the curtains.
The bottom matches my valences and this fabric used to be a bed skirt that my mom converted into valences and now the left overs are being used for the curtains- so this bed skirt has come in handy!
Once we put them up we both agreed they were adorable but a bit skimpy. You see, we bought all of this fabric that the store had but of course there wasn't much left. And then my mom (the interior decorator) got a peek at them from a picture and said "I'm sure I could find that same fabric at my Jo Ann's and I could add a little more to the panels"-this made me laugh because Alexa and I knew once mom saw them, being the interior decorator that she is, "mistreating" would not cut it for her! Just teasing you mom! She thought they looked great but agreed that they were lacking in the fullness department so once she gets a hold of them with her sewing machine, I'll show you the finished product.
Thursday was more shopping and then we took the kids to the pool which was so relaxing because we were really the only people there! The girls got to burn off some energy, Bennett slept and Alexa and I were able to chat. That night after the kids went to bed we sat by the fire pit and laughed about old times. It's funny because we are total opposites of each other but we get along really well. Of course it wasn't always like that when we were younger and in our teen years but we both got married young and had children relatively young so we're able to relate to each other in that aspect.
The girls had so much fun with their Aunt!
Thanks so much for coming Lex, we love you!!