and Bennett-trying to get that thumb in and I believe in the same towel as Ainsley was in.

And now to the other important part of the campaign- the little shirt and announcing the fact that children with Down syndrome will do it, can do and are doing it! And the one that is nearest and dearest to my heart: Bennett, who may not be doing much now, (he's just 3 months-give him some time) other than the that minor thing called OPEN HEART SURGERY that he seemed to cruise through (by the grace of God of course) but for now the shirt symbolizes the future for him. I have no doubt that Bennett will walk, talk, run, play, go to school (with his sisters), have friends, love (most likely unconditionally which doesn't happen with us "typical" people) and be a wonderful brother and son. And I know when he does first sit up or drink from a sippy we won't take it for granted because for him it will be a big deal and that makes it even more fun!
I have a feeling Bennett's sisters are going to be his biggest fans;)
So one of these days- that's my goal. Thanks to the ladies that are already making a difference and showing the world that our kids can do it and will do it!
Okay I'm laughing because this picture is sooo deceiving...he held this position for about 5 seconds before his head flopped back. This is more what it has been like but like I said, he's making progress.
I received a couple of comments regarding his tummy time and when I could start that. I went to the cardiologist and he said tummy time could resume once the scab from his chest tube came off which he thought would be in a week or so. So I was incorrect in thinking I had to wait to put him on his tummy and the scab fell off so we've resumed that but I can tell it's a little uncomfortable for him. Or maybe he's just out of practice because he's having a hard time lifting his head when he could lift it some before the surgery. Again, it's a work in progress.
So the overall consensus from my post about the washing hands sign was that it was a good idea. I think the fact that Bennett had open heart surgery and he qualifies for the RSV shot because of his heart (still waiting to hear from my ped. though about that-grrr!) it's okay to have it on his car seat. If I look a little snotty because of it...oh well. If he didn't have OHS, I wouldn't have it on there but he did so it will stay. But like a friend of mine said, Ainsley will be sure to tell anyone and everyone to "...not touch the baby" before they even see the little sign-lol. She's just a tad bit protective of her baby brother.
Happy 3 months Bennett! I love you bub!
Yes, I think this ride will do for now...fun but not scary! But when or if it's time to jump back on that big roller coaster I know God will be there to help me through the scary times just when I need him to.
Okay mommy, I've had enough!
I love that little lip!
Monkey see, monkey do.
Ainsley found out that chalk worked even better in the rain!
I thought this was fitting since it was our anniversary. That says Adrienne and Mike by the way;)
I think I'll start singing this song to Ainsley when she gets sad or starts complaining about something. It always seemed to cheer me up!
and now the other side.
The nurse propped him up with a boppy and he really seemed to like this.
Holding my boy!
I'm so happy!
Yes, we're exhausted. Hopefully I will get better sleep tonight as long as Bennett is able to rest.
We are getting ready to go to lunch and then packing up to go to the step down unit. Maybe tomorrow we will know more about being discharged!!
Repaired heart, praise God and thankful for Dr. Spray!!
We are so thankful that Bennett made it through safely and so far, so good!
Just got word from the nurse that she wants me to try and feed him because she thinks he may be hungry. She also does not think the pain is from the IV (different nurse) and that he hasn't had adequate pain meds-there is a fine line between too much meds and respiratory rate so they can't give him too much because it can effect his breathing. So, sorry about the conflicting post-just finding all of this out.