It's a simple request folks, erase the word retard or retarded from your vocabulary when using it in a "casual" way or even worse, when actually referring to someone with intellectual disabilities as a "retard". March 31st is Spread The Word To End The Word day so I'm just asking you to make a conscious effort to not say it any more. And if you are a parent, please educate your children if they are old enough about the use of this word because more than likely they too do not realize how offensive it can be to some people. I realize that displaying this word at school or events to adolescents in an effort to make them aware of it's hurtful use may in turn make them say it more than they would have but that's where parenting comes in, so let's start it there.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Just A Reminder...
It's a simple request folks, erase the word retard or retarded from your vocabulary when using it in a "casual" way or even worse, when actually referring to someone with intellectual disabilities as a "retard". March 31st is Spread The Word To End The Word day so I'm just asking you to make a conscious effort to not say it any more. And if you are a parent, please educate your children if they are old enough about the use of this word because more than likely they too do not realize how offensive it can be to some people. I realize that displaying this word at school or events to adolescents in an effort to make them aware of it's hurtful use may in turn make them say it more than they would have but that's where parenting comes in, so let's start it there.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Removing the Tags...
So I hesitated to decorate his room for a while, but came around to doing that and I will post pics soon :) I hesitated to buy any clothes for him, but came around to doing that as well but I did not remove the tags and I saved all the receipts. So depressing to think about, I know, but I just really didn't know and still don't. No one knows what will happen to their baby regardless if they have DS or a heart defect or if they are perfectly healthy.
So today I opened his closet and because I'm trying to get everything ready, (washing the car seat cover, swing cover, neutral colored blankets that Ainsley and Harper used, sheets, etc.) I looked at his cute little clothes and decided it was time, I started taking the tags off so I could wash them and put them in his dresser because I have to believe and have faith in God that everything is going to be okay. I've been having these awful visions that he's born and then for some reason doesn't make it and it really scares me. But I think today was a big step for me to just let go and realize I need to stay positive and stop thinking about what could happen and focus on the joy he is going to bring to all of us. It's strange because right now I'm not worried about the DS or the heart defect so much, I'm more worried about loosing him and never getting to know who Bennett really is. I'm sorry to be so depressing but this is a turning point in the pregnancy for me, instead of focusing on the DS and all the things that can come with that, I just want to have my baby and I don't care if he has DS right now, I just want to bring him home to meet his sister's and grandparents and aunts and uncles and everyone that has been waiting to hold him. It's truly amazing how much love you can have for someone that you've never met before.
Friday, March 27, 2009
This is what I'm dealing with...
...Harper not taking a nap. This is not the best video- it's me using this new Flip video on Harper's baby monitor video in her room, or actually Bennett's soon to be room. I put her down at 1:30 and it is now 2:50 and she is jumping, playing, screaming, talking- supposed to be taking a nap. My once sweet Harper that went down for naps so easily has now started being defiant during nap time. This has been going on for a week or so now and it's driving me crazy. I'm beginning to fear that my almost 2 year old is ready to give up naps and I'm expecting to get at least another year out of her as far as naps go. Ainsley still takes a nap almost every day and she's 4! I hate to leave her up there for over an hour but right now I just refuse to give into her because I need some down time but I can't relax because I hear the constant jumping and yelling! Not to mention this crib has been through 4 kids now (my sister's 2 boys) and we'd like to have it for Bennett but I think she might brake the thing! Help me!!
Wait...I think she may have finally fallen asleep, she's probably worn out from all the jumping. That poor crib.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Scratch Wordless Wednesday- Please Pray For This Baby!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Easter Decor and More!
Another issue I'm having is finding pictures for Bennett's room. I'm not a big "theme" person when it comes to kid's and baby's rooms, I prefer to stick to color themes and object themes rather than character themes. So if Bennett had to have a theme in his room it would be the colors red, chocolate brown, green and tan and cars, trucks, bikes, trains- basically automotive I guess. So this book of card stock was on sale and I thought I could get some cheap frames, maybe paint them and put these cute patterns that go with his colors and just use them as pictures to add some more color to the walls. Another easy, inexpensive project. I must admit it's kind of fun being crafty and saving money at the same time- remember this is coming from a girl who used to just spend freely instead of trying to figure out how to do things on my own. I'm making progress!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
30 Weeks and My Crazy Fantasies...

Last post about this and then I'm not wasting my precious time...
He better apologize without a teleprompter and him alone, not one of his staffers!
For what it's worth, if Bush said it I would react the same way, but he didn't.
There, I'm done.
He did say it!
President-"I bowled a 129."
Leno- smiling and laughing, said- "oh, that's good"
President "it was like the Special Olympics or something..." and they sort of laughed it off.
Hmm, not a very smart thing to say Mr. President. I mean, why would he say that??
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Hmm, did he really say that?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Heads Up-Spread The Word To End The Word!
Please take 1 minute (really they are short!) out of your day to watch these two videos below, it means a lot to me now- very short and to the point. Don't forget to pause my music at the bottom of the page so you can hear the videos! Oh, and then read my post!
Okay, as a heads up, March 31st, 2009 is Spread the Word to End the Word. In case you're wondering what the "r-word" is, it's retard or retarded. Let's just be perfectly honest here- 4 months ago would I be promoting such a thing? The answer is probably no. Why would I? It really didn't effect me or anyone I knew and honestly I probably would not think much of it. But as with any cause, you usually don't get too involved unless it effects you directly or someone you care about or cared about.
Now, let's be honest again, we've all said this word and if you haven't that's wonderful! I know I have, although not often and of course not recently since I've been educated about it. But I know in my life-time I've said things like "Oh, that's so retarded" or "I'm such a retard for doing that." Not meaning to harm anyone by saying it or so I thought. I simply meant, how foolish of me. Have I ever referred to a person with learning disabilities as retarded? -Never, and that's the honest truth and if you have I am asking you now to please stop. Don't feel bad, just stop. Simple as that. But I think that most of us don't do that, we do what I have done before and just slip it into our every day language, casually, again not meaning to hurt any one's feelings. But we are hurting some one's feelings just by saying "that was so retarded" or "can you believe this person in this car, (while you're in traffic) what a retard!" People, there are sooo many other words you can use instead of retard or retarded.
First off and really this should be a given in the year 2009, when talking about someone with Down syndrome or some other learning disability just say "someone with an intellectual disability". Like for example in a conversation-"there were children with intellectual disabilities (or chidren with Down syndrome) there as well as children with Cancer" NOT "there were retarded children there as well as children with Cancer". I mean, come on, this should be obvious and I realize that using the word retarded when referring to a person with Down syndrome was a word that was excepted long ago but not any more so just don't say that, please!
Now, for the one that is more commonly used and again I will admit, I'm guilty of it as well, ex:"Oh, how retarded of me to do that!!" SAY "Oh, how foolish, (silly, ridiculous, or a million other words you can use), of me to do that!!" Especially around children- just watch the second video (I realize it's a little corny, but teenagers say this all the time and they get it from adults!) I don't even like Ainsley saying "that's stupid!" We say "that's silly" in our house.
So to my family and friends whom I know love us and are supporting us with the birth of Bennett, please do this for me. Stop saying this word, retard or retarded and let others know in a nice way that it's a hurtful word to many. Please don't feel bad for saying it in the past because I know you didn't ever mean to be hurtful, most people don't.
On a very different note but I'm going to put it out there, people with Down syndrome are NO LONGER referred to as mongoloids. This is offensive as well and it's just not used anymore, simple as that. Again, if you've used this word in the past because this it's what you thought the medical field used, don't feel bad, just know that it isn't used anymore and simply say "people with Down syndrome". I'm not trying to be mean with this post or angry at anyone, just getting to the point and bringing awareness to it because I think it's a simple thing to do- change some of the words we use because they are hurtful, whether you think so or not, to someone. So thank you!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
I've Been A Very Busy Girl!

The laundry room, (well not really a room now, it's a closet) before...

The next thing was something that I've been thinking about doing- not usually a huge fan of the words on the wall thing but I'm also not good at deciding on art work and I don't like to spend a lot of money on art, unless I really like it. So I saw this word art in Target and it was cheap so I thought I'd give it a try. Next, I needed something to go under it but it couldn't be a table because this is a walk way and we need it to stay clear so I was browsing on Bless Our Nest and Shannon gave me the idea of using old picture frames and using extra fabric as the matte. I used the left over fabric from the stool and picked out my favorite pictures of the girls and left one in the middle for Bennett, of course! So it's not complete yet but I just love this fabric by itself so it doesn't bother me how it is. It was cheap and easy to do and now the saying doesn't look as "cheesy" as it did all by itself.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Kreativ Blog Award!

So, I love...
1. That my husband just wants me to be happy and he'll pretty much do what he can to make me happy.
2. How supportive my family is and has always been of me.
3. Chocolate chip cookies with diet coke
4. Sour gummy candy.
5. The way Ainsley asks how my doctor appointments go or if I slept well the night before.
6. When Harper runs up to me and says "huggies" and gives me the biggest hug she can.
7. Saturday mornings while drinking my coffee, reading the paper and watching cartoons with the girls.
Now, blogs I love to read: (I only did 5 because I'm still new to blogging and several of the blogs I read have received awards from me or this same award already so I'm trying to discover new blogs to me)
1. The Amicks, Angela is just funny and so honest about her life and her kids, I just enjoy reading her posts.
2. Life with Bubba, Chicky and Nika, Bethany has amazing talent with photography, balancing life with her three kids, her on-line store and she's really good with making blogs look cool. She can do it all! I'm sure she does a million other things I don't know about too. And she's funny!
3. Kelly's Korner, I know I mentioned this blog before but it is one that I was attracted to originally because of the baby that Kelly was preparing for at the time, Harper:). She went through a rough beginning with her baby but now Harper is home and is healthy and Kelly continues to post about fun things and I've found a lot of great blogs from her blog.
4. Bless Our Nest- this is a new one for me, I found it through "Kelly's Korner", Shannon is very creative and you can get some really cute decorating ideas from her. Just a fun blog to get ideas. I'm sure she has received this award numerous times.
5. Magnolias, Marriage and Manhattan, this is another new one for me. MMM has some cute ideas and she seems to lead a pretty interesting life. I know she has won this award as well but I still think she deserves it again!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Thankful and a small update
I guess it makes me realize that even though there are times that I think -could it get any worse?- I have so much to be thankful for. Not to say things in my life won't get worse or we won't have hard times, I mean I was naive enough to think since we had the whole ordeal with Ainsley we were pretty much good in the baby department and should not expect any other traumatic experiences, kinda like, we put in our time and now we were good to go. But reading about these families and how they handle their situations really makes me see how important I think it is to have faith that God has his reasons for everything. And of course we don't understand those reasons sometimes, especially when it involves a tiny baby or innocent child, but his ways are better than ours. So if you're looking to get some inspiration or just need to get a good cry out, hop over to "Kelly's Korner" one of these days and follow one of the many links to the blogs she posts about.
I do have small update on Bennett-saw the OB today and it looks like we will shoot for May 22nd for the c-section-it will miss my sister's birthday (May 23rd) by a day but the doctor said they usually don't schedule surgeries on weekends and if we want a cardiologist to be there it's better on a week day. I will start going every 2 weeks now, until I get to 32 weeks and then he feels to be safe, we will start the non-stress tests every week until delivery. This is where they hook me up to the monitors and see how many times Bennett kicks and monitor his heart rate. But his heart sounded good today and I'm measuring on track and thankfully the lovely nurse didn't say anything about my weight this time!:) Oh, how I hate being weighed when I'm pregnant!!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The Price of Children
Subject: Fwd: The Price of Children
THIS IS REALLY THE REST OF THE STORY NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS! The Price of Children. This is just too good not to pass on to all. Here is something absolutely positive for a change. I have repeatedly seen the breakdown of the cost of raising a child, but this is the first time I have seen the rewards listed this way. It's nice. The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140.00 for a middle income family. Talk about price shock! That doesn't even touch college tuition. But $160,140.00 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into:
$8,896.66 a year,
$741.38 a month,
$171.08 a week.
A mere $24.24 a day!
Just over a dollar an hour.
Still, you might think the best financial advice is: don't have children if you want to be "rich." Actually, it is just the opposite. What do you get for your $160,140.00?
- Naming rights . First, middle, and last!
- Glimpses of God every day.
- Giggles under the covers every night.
- More love than your heart can hold.
- Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs.
- Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies.
- A hand to hold usually covered with jelly or chocolate.
- A partner for blowing bubbles and flying kites.
- Someone to laugh yourself silly with, no matter what the boss said or how your stocks performed that day.
- finger-paint,
- carve pumpkins,
- play hide-and-seek,
- catch lightning bugs,
- never stop believing in Santa Claus.
You have an excuse to:
- keep reading the Adventures of Piglet and Pooh,
- watch Saturday morning cartoons,
- go to Disney movies, and
- wish on stars.
- You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under refrigerator magnets and
- collect spray painted noodle wreaths for Christmas,
- hand prints set in clay for Mother's Day, and
- cards with backward letters for Father's Day.
You get to be a hero just for:
- retrieving a Frisbee off the garage roof,
- taking the training wheels off a bike,
- removing a splinter,
- filling a wading pool,
- coaxing a wad of gum out of bangs, and
- coaching a baseball team that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream regardless.
- First step,
- First word,
- First bra,
- First date,
- First time behind the wheel.
You get another branch added to your family tree, and if you're lucky, a long list of limbs in your obituary called grandchildren and great grandchildren.
You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications, and human sexuality that no college can match.
In the eyes of a child, you rank right up there under God.
- You have all the power to heal a boo-boo,
- scare away the monsters under the bed,
- patch a broken heart,
- police a slumber party,
- ground them forever, and
- love them without limits, so one day they will, like you, love without counting the cost. That is quite a deal for the price!!!!!!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Update from 28 week growth scan...
We then discussed delivery time and the MFM specialist does not see any need to deliver Bennett any earlier than 39 weeks at this time. They will be monitoring him closely to check his growth and any placental problems but they do not foresee any problems that would require an early delivery, unless I started going into labor. So if all goes as planned-he should be here right around my sister's birthday, May 22nd or 23rd! I'm thinking Monday I will be able to schedule the c-section. It's kind of weird to pick your child's birthday!
Thank you everyone for your continued prayers for us! We really appreciate it!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
28 Week Growth Scan Tomorrow
I will be asking the doctors about a delivery time for Bennett because my regular OB suggested that sometimes babies with heart defects are taken by c-section a little earlier and he wanted to see me soon after tomorrow's appointment to see what the specialists think about this. Early meaning around 37 weeks as opposed to 39 weeks. Oh, and please pray the girls cooperate- Mike will be with me but I would like him to be able to stay in the room with me and not have to walk Harper up and down halls.
On a side note Harper threw up all over her car seat yesterday-it's going in the trash because it's in every nook and cranny and this car seat is practically nailed shut as far as getting to the straps to wash them. We had just left Sephora, where I finally got to get my Bare Minerals makeup that I was desperately needing and Harper just let it all out (thank the Lord it wasn't in Sephora-how embarrassing!!), I looked back and Ainsley was covering her mouth looking as if she was going to puke just watching Harper. Rather funny I must say, but I urged Ainsley to look away because I could not take Harper covered in it and then Ainsley covered in it just because she has an easy gag reflex! So hopefully Harper is not sick-she was fine after that and has been a little cranky but no throw up. Ainsley's teachers asked how Harper was today when I picked Ainsley up because apparently she announced to everyone that her sister threw up every where yesterday-great.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Our Dogs
Blitzen is the oldest- he will be 9 in September and was given to me by Mike as a Christmas gift, shortly after we were married and yes, I named him after a reindeer. Blitzen has "issues" to say the least. Anyone that knows us, knows a little about our strange Lhasa Apso that's on Prozac. He would make a wonderful episode on "The Dog Whisperer" if any of you are familiar with that show. Ceasar Milan would have a hay day with this dog. Why we still have him is beyond me. I always say he's got one paw out of the door and he's working on the other three. If he makes it through this third child, he'll be lucky- seriously. Now, I do love him but much of my stress comes from this dog so I'm trying to just not let him get to me and realize that he loves us and loves being a part of our family and luckily for us we will probably have him for 10 years or more. Lhasa's live long lives. Yay. Note the sarcasm.
Let's just have a run down of Blitzen's issues during his life:
- He bit me when he was just a tiny puppy over food ( I know, I should have gotten him in obedience classes but I didn't).
- He swallowed a quarter as a puppy and required surgery to remove it.
- He swallowed a button from my chair but luckily he pooped this one out.
- He likes to pull things out of the bathroom trash cans and eat the tissues
- He's been on numerous meds for his thyroid, allergies, his eyes, anxiety and ear nastiness (never ending with the ears).
- He has a serious cage issue- many family members as well as friends have witnessed this and let's just say it's quite frightening coming from a small dog.
- He does not like loud noises- if someone is mowing their lawn you can forget about him going to the bathroom outside. He freaks!
- He snores-loudly-like an old man-it will keep you up at night, it's that loud.
- He's terrified of the bath-he will bite you if he knows you're coming to get him to take him to the bath-and yes he knows, just by looking at you, that you're coming to get him- so I get him groomed.
- He's pretty posessive over bones, take that back-very possessive, as in he will not put it down until he's finished eating the entire thing-we're talking about plastic chew toys here.
Here's a pic taken several years ago of Mike with Blitzen holding a wrapped bone (Chritmas present for Blitz) that he would not put down- he went to the bathroom outside with it in his mouth, just in case anyone tried to take it from him. I'm telling you this dog is crazy.
- The one good thing about Blitzen is that he is really good with our kids and kids in general-he loves people and he loves to snuggle.
Mike and I have battled it out on whether or not to keep Blitzen-have I mentioned he's bitten Mike 4 times? Oh, just little bites, although one time he did have to get a shot so it would not get infected. You see, Mike has a big heart and he just can't get rid of Blitz, he feels it's wrong and that Sophie and him are buds and Sophie would be depressed if Blitzen was gone. Mike doesn't realize my plan would be to get another adorable, tiny Maltese to keep Sophie company! And please don't get me wrong, I would never just want to send him to the pound, just maybe find him an owner that has a little more time for him and maybe a little more patience.:0
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Party Time!

Miss Emily!

The second party was at my friend Renee's house. This was an evening party- without the kids!-Well, for most of it any way..
Here's a picture of me with my friends Ginger and Renee. They have been great friends since we've moved here. I've bugged them to death about where things are and what doctor's to use, what grocery store to go to among other things. Mike works with Ginger's husband Keith and Mike stayed with them while we were in transition from N.C. Ginger and Keith introduced us to Renee and Tom. Thanks again Renee for hosting a party for me!
Ellie (Renee's daughter) with the girls
Ellie and Ainsley get along great!

My third and final party was in good old Woodbridge, VA where I grew up! The girls and I made the trip, Mike had work commitments this weekend that he could not break. My cousin-in-law Patsy, hosted the party for me! Patsy's husband Garrett (Mike's cousin) is in Iraq and has been gone for nearly 8 months now but will return in just 3 weeks!! It was so nice of Patsy to host this party for me plus, it worked out because they live fairly close to my parents so we got to visit with them as well. Here's me with Patsy!
I also got to see an old friend of mine (we were best buds in middle school!) - Dana! Dana came down to Woodbridge for the party and we haven't seen each other in 12 years!! We got reconnected through facebook- I love facebook! She is due with her second child in July, a boy as well! I meant to get a picture with her but got busy at the end and forgot! We plan to see each other again in April so Dana, we will have to get one then!
Unfortunately, the visit with my parents was cut short due to the snow storm, that as I write this, is in full force. I'm glad I made it home before it started! It's been a very busy 3 days and I'm just glad to be able to relax a little now!